About the Artist
I never cared…but now I am back & plan to stay
You might be thinking…”Artists are just born artists…”
The Truth is, maybe you’re right. But not all artists find their potential, and even less will pursue the skill.
I was always a “drawer,” though I call it doodling. In many respects, I was born to “doodle.”
But, It really began April of 2020
I had been recuperating from an abdominal surgery in February earlier the same year in the comfort of my own home. Running on a sum of 3.75 hours of sleep, having no ability to use abdominal muscles to get up to pick up my baby (yet still needing to pick up my baby), enduring showering/bathing droughts lasting days at a time, and slowly realizing I was quickly losing my memory...
...I found myself suddenly forgetting what the word "comfortable" actually meant. Weeks passed and I was ready to get back to a normal, work week where it is actually less work than what stay-at-home mom's do in one day [salute these heroes, 'Merica.]
Then came the pandemic. No, not the Spanish Flu with a greater than 2.5% mortality rate.
No. Not the Bubonic Plague either; which caused mass infection including 25-60% of total population loss in Europe...
But, The Covid
Fortunately, I was forced to stay home from work...
Unfortunately, I was forced to stay home and work.
Two kids, online "schooling," and teleworking--did I mention on 2.005 hours of sleep? I forget how many hours...
But time was passing and it was becoming manageable. I had it down to what you would call a science; unless that's offensive to some scientists...
It was no time at all (really almost immediately) before the walls of my house began to resemble that of an asylum.
Suddenly, the parable of the wicked servant kept resurfacing. The servant with five talents gave back to God five more; and the servant with three gave back to God three more. Both were good and faithful.
But the servant with one, buried it to never use and gave it back to God. That servant was called wicked.
While having a past in the arts from a class I took in college for a semester, I learned that perhaps there was a talent in me. I didn't have five, or even three, but maybe just ONE - and I was not using it. I had buried it long ago with other knowledge I acquired just to get the "A," like the good college student I was called to be.
Being trapped inside my home, the walls were definitely caving in. I found myself with so much time, to waste so much time (of course while working*ahem*).
From the amount of time I had sat and binged on series after series of Netflix, I decided to reactivate the artist inside of me.
And since April of 2020, I have not stopped.
And unlike the college-student me, which would learn for a time then ignore, I am now striving to better my art every day.
I have no idea what my future will look like, but hindsight is 20/20.
My First Drawing
My Photo Reference