The Idea behind the Idea
"La Pietà"
As you might know, the inspiration of the charcoal portrait "The Pity" was to commemorate the genius of La Pieta; Michelangelo's only signed piece of art. Michelangelo Buonarroti was in his early twenties when he was commissioned to create this piece. He took on the project, but found that many onlookers were attributing his work to the hands of another artist--reason being why he signed this work.
Tradition says that Michelangelo was so ashamed that he signed this piece out of pride, he would never sign anything again.
The Madonna della Pietà, informally known as La Pietà, gives a glimpse into the sorrowful mystery of Jesus Christ becoming incarnate and suffering a death so gruesome, that what was left is only a pitiful semblance of a criminal man.
The Catholic Church teaches the incarnation of God, the son, wholely taking on human nature-entering into our humanity-in order to save it. By entering into our life, Jesus also entered into our death.
"The Pity"
I began to dive into my art because of Covid, you can read the story here.
It is my personal belief that the talent that artists possess was nothing of their own doing--all people were born from a mother and a father; unable to choose their hair color, their physical abilities, their mind, or their talents--which is why humility speaks louder than your art.
Upon reading Michelangelo's back story to one of the most famous pieces of art in the world, I felt compelled to start my art career there; seeing "just how far I could go." Michelangelo's ability to remorse over his pride would keep my mentally in a place where I could never boast about any talent.
"The Pity" is my first fine art project that I took upon myself. It was also my first charcoal art, having mostly experienced only graphite.
There is so much meaning and emotion behind "The Pity", that I could not keep it to myself; and therefore is displayed at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Wetumpka, AL so that others may stir up feelings of humility in this fine art piece...
...just as much as I do.
“The Pity” framed and hanging in Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Wetumpka, AL 36092